
How to Scientifically Quarantine Fatigue in the Workplace
How to Scientifically Quarantine Fatigue in the Workplace

AQIS' innovative matting tested for safety by the CSIRO. As Australia’s workforce ages, more and more people are becoming aware of the wear and tear on bodies imposed by standing for long periods. Quite apart from the distraction to work in hand posed by discomfort, one …

Emergency Evacuation Assistance Matting
Emergency Evacuation Assistance Matting

"WAY OUT" TUBE TREAD and SUPA GRIPPA "PATHFINDER" matting revolutionizes safety for workers by providing a superior glow-in-the-dark ribbon of light towards exit routes. For safe and quick evacuation of occupants in the event of an emergency power failure, this product provides unpowered, no-maintenance lighting. This world-first …

New Anti-Fatigue Matting Really is a Hog for Punishment
New Anti-Fatigue Matting Really is a Hog for Punishment

A comfortable new safety and anti-fatigue mat designed for long life in high traffic work areas such as factories, storerooms, warehouses and workshops has been introduced by The General Mat Company. Hog Heaven No. 260 matting features a solid nitrile rubber surface for better chemical resistance, combined …

Safety's No Game - and Slips Aren't Funny if they Land in Court
Safety's No Game - and Slips Aren't Funny if they Land in Court

Imagine the legal ramifications if an up-and-coming Ian Thorpe or Pat Rafter was to be seriously hurt or even disabled in a slip and fall accident in a changing room. If it could be proven that the floor surface had poor slip resistance, the financial consequences could …

Injury Prevention Beats Compensation
Injury Prevention Beats Compensation

Sprains or strains of joints or adjacent muscles now account for more than 50 per cent of new workers compensation cases recorded by the National Occupational Health and Safety Commission. The total of such injuries now exceeds 61,000, according to the latest NOHSC figures - and is likely …

What Is The Best Mat For Me?
What Is The Best Mat For Me?

To make your selection easier from our wide range of matting below is a guide for the best matting for the location you are looking for. Office Entrance Waterhog Classic Waterhog Fashion Waterhog Premier Waterhog Premier …

Wet and dirty floors are not only displeasing in appearance, but are potentially dangerous.
Wet and dirty floors are not only displeasing in appearance, but are potentially dangerous.

When placed strategically throughout the facility, matting systems are the first line of defence against slip-and-fall accidents and tracked-in soil and debris. According to an industry expert, an effective matting system will help increase the life of a floor and present a consistent, quality appearance. In addition, entrance …

Expert witness finds blind spot in safety underfoot
Expert witness finds blind spot in safety underfoot

An expert witness in workers compensation and public liability court cases says Australian employers and public building managers face potentially huge payouts and even jail if they continue to underestimate dangers posed by slip and fall accidents. Mr Michael Siegle says that – despite such accidents accounting for …

Safety-conscious Workmate matting makes prevention even better value than cure
Safety-conscious Workmate matting makes prevention even better value than cure

New anti-fatigue and safety mats are being released by the General Mat Company to help employers find a cost-efficient way meet occupational health and safety obligations in wet and dry areas of workplaces. GMC Workmate No 824 features a combination of large holes for superior drainage and 12mm-thick …

Safety on steroids – GMC’s double-thickness Ultra-Soft Diamond Plate offers ultimate comfort
Safety on steroids – GMC’s double-thickness Ultra-Soft Diamond Plate offers ultimate comfort

A new safety, ergonomic and anti-fatigue mat that is twice as thick as typical counterparts has been released by the General Mat Company. Ultra-Soft Diamond Plate No 414 is intended for ultimate comfort in all dry work areas. The 80mm (five-sixteenths of an inch) thick general purpose mat comes …

Workforce middle age spread produces anti-fatigue matting keyed to comfort and safety
Workforce middle age spread produces anti-fatigue matting keyed to comfort and safety

As Australia’s workforce expands towards 10 million over the next decade, most of the growth will come from groups aged 45 or more. While this group accounts for about a third of all workers now, it is expected to expand dramatically as the Baby Boomer population bulge moves …

New safety and anti-fatigue matting helps protect staff and ensure OH&S compliance
New safety and anti-fatigue matting helps protect staff and ensure OH&S compliance

The General Mat Company has released its largest and most comprehensive ergonomic, anti-fatigue and safety matting catalogue ever produced specifically for the Australian market. Its 2004-2005 offerings include world-leading brands of industrial and commercial interior and entrance matting designed to increase worker and customer safety while reducing slips, …

Even tough dairy farmers like a soft touch underfoot when spending hours milking
Even tough dairy farmers like a soft touch underfoot when spending hours milking

Anyone who has ever worked in a dairy milking pit for hours at a time will appreciate how wearing it can be - especially if the farmers and workers involved are past the first flush of youth. In order to be at the forefront of Occupational Health and …

The General Mat Company is Acknowledged as Champion of Champions
The General Mat Company is Acknowledged as Champion of Champions

Small businesses were honoured at the fourth annual Small Business Awards Champion of Champions on Friday, 31st May 2002 at the Sydney SuperDome before an audience of 2000 people. The General Mat Company was acknowledged as the Champion of Champions in the Import Business category, contending with other …

New Ortho Stand Matting Combats Causes of Fatigue
New Ortho Stand Matting Combats Causes of Fatigue

NEW ORTHO STAND™ MATTING COMBATS CAUSES OF FATIGUE With sprains or strains of joints or adjacent muscles accounting for half of new workers compensation cases in Australia, The General Mat Company has released a new product addressing the problem. Its new Ortho Stand No 454 is …

Top safety marketing floors the opposition - and opens up US opportunities
Top safety marketing floors the opposition - and opens up US opportunities

A company which has grown in fewer than five years to become a leading force in the Australian safety industry now plans to transplant its success formula into the huge US market. The General Mat Company – winner of this year’s Excellence in Sales and Marketing Award of …

Waterhog Premier matting beautifies entrances while protecting interiors from dirt
Waterhog Premier matting beautifies entrances while protecting interiors from dirt

A top-of-the-range version of one of the world’s best-selling entrance mats, Waterhog™ Premier, has been released in Australia by the General Mat Company (GMC). Waterhog Premier features a rubber-reinforced face design for added beauty and performance, in addition to the Waterhog range’s unique ribbed construction that is designed …

The Shocking truth about Electro Static Discharge (ESD)
The Shocking truth about Electro Static Discharge (ESD)

Everyone has experienced it. You walk across a carpeted floor to make your exit, you grab the doorknob, and then ZAP! You just felt the shock of Electro Static Discharge. While the shock factor of ESD causes surprise and even discomfort to humans, it can cause significant …

Affordable Modular Safety Matting
Affordable Modular Safety Matting

VERSATILE and economical anti-fatigue and safety mats have been released by The General Mat Company to help employers cost-efficiently meet occupational health and safety obligations. The 24/Seven 570-WH and 24/Seven 572-SOL mats provide comfortable and secure footing 24 hours a day for people working in wet and greasy …

Should you rent or buy mats for your business?
Should you rent or buy mats for your business?

When you’re starting out in business, renting equipment such as mats can be a smart way to manage your cashflow. Renting mats is also a great way to try before you buy, even though it likely involves compromises in quality, appearance and safety. So when do …

How to clean your entrance mats
How to clean your entrance mats

With  80% of the dirt and grime found in a building  tracking its way inside on peoples footwear, commercial entrance mats should be the first line of defence to stop mud, dirt, debris and moisture from entering a building. While entrance mats can …

The Benefits of an Entrance Mat
The Benefits of an Entrance Mat

The Benefits of an Entrance Mat …

The Benefits of Anti-Fatigue Mats
The Benefits of Anti-Fatigue Mats

Anti-fatigue floor mats  are being used more and more in Australia as employers recognise how beneficial they are to their employees and their company. A large number of jobs require their employees to stand for long periods of time, such as many customer-facing jobs and …

How to Clean and Care for Your Mats
How to Clean and Care for Your Mats

How to Clean and Care for Your Mats A well-maintained and cleaned mat can be the only thing separating your floors from moisture, dirt, and debris.   If you take good care of your mats, you will increase your floor's lifespan and reduce …